A glaucoma is a group of eye illnesses that result in damage to the optic nerve. Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness, particularly in those over sixty. Early glaucoma doesn’t present any noticeable symptoms but the effects of the disease progress until it reaches its advanced stage. Open-angle and acute angle-closure glaucoma are two types of glaucoma. Treatment aims to slow the progression of glaucoma before it leads to blindness.
Glaucoma occurs when there’s damage to the optic nerve. As the optic nerve degenerates, blind spots infiltrate one’s visual field. Nerve damage can occur due to elevated pressure within the eye. High eye pressure happens when a liquid known as aqueous humour moves throughout the eye. Usually, internal fluid exits through tissue, the trabecular meshwork, where the iris and cornea touch. When there's an overproduction of this liquid or the drainage system malfunctions, the aqueous humour cannot drain properly.
Spots in the peripheral vision
Tunnel vision
Intense headaches
Retinal pain
Blurry vision
Red eyes
Usually, ophthalmologists perform tonometry to measure eye pressure. A visual field test detects regions of vision loss. Other diagnostic tests include eye examinations, imaging tests and a corneal thickness test or pachymetry.
It’s vital to catch glaucoma in its early stages before it causes blindness. It's not possible to reverse the damage of glaucoma. However, specialist ophthalmologists, Dr Miller can manage glaucoma and stop its advancement. Treatment for glaucoma includes oral medication, eye drops, surgery, and laser therapy. Laser therapy helps treat open-angle and certain types of angle-closure glaucoma. Laser treatments open up blocked pathways in the trabecular meshwork.
Oral medication and eye drops lower intraocular pressure. Although there’s no exact cure for glaucoma, its progression can be managed. Regular check-ups prevent high, out-of-control eye pressure.